Monday, April 18, 2011

Kindle Version Up for Sale!

And we're off!  The Kindle version of The Door to Canellin is now up for sale! And just a couple of hours after going live, there has already been a tiny bit of sales activity!

You can search for "Canellin" at Amazon, or follow this link to see the sales page:

Now to get people talking, referring, suggesting, and reviewing! The Kindle community tends to be a tight-knit group, so if enough people like my book and refer their fellow Kindlers, this'll be a great run!


  1. Hello my name is Scott and you posted a link to your book in a forum topic that I started on Amazon. I also run a book review blog for independent and small publisher authors.

    I love the cover art for your book it is amazing! Check out my blog if you are interested in some more blog reviews let me know.

  2. Congrats, Eric! Good luck with this novel. Can't wait to dive into this one!

  3. Thanks for the kudos, and I hope you enjoy the book!
