Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Upcoming Signing, and A Kindle Feature I'd Never Heard Of

Just wanted to put out a reminder that I've got an in-person book signing coming up at the Princeton Public Library in Princeton, Indiana to kick of their summer reading program.  Starting at 7pm on Monday, June 6th, I will be giving a brief talk on what brought me to self publishing, the process I use for writing, and my experiences with KDP and Createspace.  I'll also be giving FREE copies of the e-versions of The Door to Canellin to all attendees, and everyone who attends will be entered to win a limited edition, signed and numbered hardcover of The Door to Canellin. Free to attend, signed paperbacks discounted to $12 at the signing only.

Also, I thought I'd throw a shout-out to Ryne Billings, who easily takes the prize as my biggest fan.  I haven't been hanging out at much lately, but Ryne spotted a thread titled "Criminally Underrated Kindle ebooks", and his first thought was of The Door to Canellin.  He posted about my book, got some people interested and some very nice compliments on the cover, and thanks to that post I ended up with another 6 freebies given away before my most recent giveaway ended, and a few more sales. Thanks much, Ryne, I appreciate the support!

And a final note.  I'm relatively new to Kindle ownership, so many of you probably already knew this, but it's news to me!  Did you know that after you finish reading a book on Kindle, if you page through to 100%, there's a "Before You Go" feature?  Using this feature, you can rate a book from 1 to 5 stars.  If you've connected your Kindle to your Facebook or Twitter accounts, you can then choose to share that rating, and a few words about what you read, to all your social network friends.  For indie authors, if this starts getting more generalized use, it could be a huge help in gaining exposure.  I know that I intend to start using this feature, especially for those great, undiscovered indies out there who have managed to entertain me!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the mention, and I'm glad it helped you.

    I kind of wish I had done a little more though. Maybe I could have gotten you even more people if I had spread the word earlier on.

    Anyways, the "Before You Go" feature is relatively new, though I can say for sure that it's been out for at least a month. The first time I ever saw it was when I read the latest Wheel of Time book, which was a few weeks before I read The Door to Canellin.
